Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Corro, let me run!

Another dramatic episode of cognitive chaos. 

These walls drive me crazy,
there's hate spewing everywhere,
stop with the proverbs and mindless advice,
no, they're getting me nowhere!

I need to run,
run, run, far from this burning hell.
Every step resounds with hatred and fury,
annoyed by ignorance, inaction and the futility of things.

Presente, preterite presente compuesto,
sweet jesus!
Run, run, to someplace away,
stay away and never come back.

Are these people cruel?
Are humans ignorant?
Must I feel blessed to be born in this damned species?
Must I stay with them forever?

Run, run, corro, let me run
to Hang Son Doong,
to the Islands of the Caribbean,
to the Amazonian forests,
I don't know, just let me go.

Sri Chinmoy, you're wrong,
Anger can destroy peace,
not the other way around.

Ugh, I'm suffocated,
Anger - stop eating me!
He clouds my thought, my senses and reason,
I can't think anymore, I'm exploding.

Lord, what's wrong?
Is it me or the world?
There's so much fury boiling inside me,
but who is it I hate - the world or me?

No, stop telling me this world is kind!
It's broken, spoiled and filled with malice.
Arabs, Jews, Africans suffering,
and I've been told learning past perfect will fix this world!

My mind's a tangle of webs,
and I think about the greater good and troubles,
must I think about the world so much,
for the most intimidating thing that could happen to me,
is going past the deadlines.

Ugh, the futility of everything terrorizes me,
Humans, you have brought unto thyself doom,
the futility of this poem manifests as hatred,
I'm grasping at fraying ends of inspiration, but for whom?

*A terrible poem, with terrible words and a terrible rhyme scheme. But dear reader, do understand that I want to publish the original, unedited version of the poem.