Sunday, 31 May 2015

Sasha and her "When will it end?"

This one was written somewhere between late 2013 and early 2014. The prompt: The weather plays a large part in our life. Write a story where the weather changes a secure friendly setting and atmosphere into a worrying setting and atmosphere. Try to show how the emotions and feelings of your charcters change as the conditions you describe change.

Sasha spun around, her pink skirt floating. There were smiles everywhere; people dancing; the greedy animals sneaking out and gobbling food and the children running around and riding astraddle on the horses. It had been a golden harvest this year and people were rich with crops. All around, tables were lined with various foods and the numerous games were packed with little kids. Stacks of crops were laid out on the ground. Sasha was brimming with happiness. There was absolutely no possibility that something destructive could happen. Never!

But nature was different; it had laid out plans for the little village of Rampapart. Mother Nature thought of giving a little and a turn to the villagers; life does need ups and downs, after all!

So, the party lasted for many moons until one day it all changed. As Sasha went to the corner of the area to grab some cake, the sky suddenly darkened and dense black clouds gathered in the sky, directly above the village. In a blink, Zeus sent a lightning bolt from the sky and burnt a table filled with ice cream to crisps. The children and animals joined into a groaning farmyard chorus. The village head, Misanikao, urged everyone to go to his house, the only brick house in the village while all the others were either mud or straw houses.

The panicked villagers raced to his house as Sasha stood, staring into the sky. Her mother pulled an dragged her into the house though. When she reached the house, all she could hear was the crying and shrieking of the people and the animals (who also seemed to be dragged into the house). Sasha dashed over to the window and stared outside as she felt her heart sinking!

A sudden clap of thunder and a lightning bolt, the rain started. It started to rain cats and dogs and soon a storm started. Big, huge gusts of wind blew across the village and seemed to rampage about with glee. Sasha couldn’t bear it; so couldn’t the other kids staring out the window. Just a few days back , Sasha had thought nothing destructive could ever happen but now…Mother Nature is cruel, she thought as another opinion formed in her mind. She went back to the room where everyone was sitting.

Everyone was groaning; but for different reasons. The children wanted food and Mrs. Misanikao tried her best to give them biscuits but in vain. The women wanted to change their dirty, murky clothes and the men wanted the money they had kept buried in a pot underground at home. Mr. and Mrs. Misanikao tried their best to serve everyone. Sasha closed her eyes and thought, when will this end?

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